Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress... James 1:27

Monday, January 26, 2015

To A's Future Mama

To A’s Future Mama,

I don’t know who you are yet. You probably don’t even know who you are. But I want you to know that you are prayed for every day...

A is beyond gorgeous. Her beauty shines from inside. Her smile lights up the room and her spontaneous laughter is guaranteed to brighten your day. Her eyes will watch you wherever you are in the room and she is sure to let you know when she wants to be held. She is created in the image of her God and she is reflecting his love.

Life hasn’t been easy for A. She is two years old and has cerebral palsy. Her birth mama abandoned her, severely malnourished, outside of a hospital. She can’t yet sit up on her own or verbally express herself. She still has trouble gaining weight. She gets sick often and her beautiful smile is sometimes absent for days. 

But this little girl is absolutely worth it. I love her more than should be humanly possible. I love to find her in the morning and give her some quick cuddles. I love to hold her when she’s sick. I love to watch her face light up when she sees me from far away. I love to watch her in therapy as she works hard to control her muscles and learn new skills. I love to watch her grow, however slowly. I love to give her nicknames. I love to sing to her, to tickle her, to kiss her cheeks, to pray over her.

I am praying that God would use her life for his glory. I am praying that she learns to love him more and more. I am praying that you, her mommy, will find her soon. I am praying that she stays healthy while she waits for you. I am praying that your paperwork goes quickly. I am praying that God is preparing your heart and her’s for each other. I am praying for the moment that you meet each other for the first time, and the moment you take her in your arms and leave this place to live your lives together.

That is the moment I’m waiting for, the moment I’m nervous for and the moment I’m believing only God will bring about. I am trusting him for his plan for A. I am trusting him to speak to your heart. I am trusting him to give you the courage you need, the strength you need and the resources you need to step out in faith and adopt A into your family. I am trusting him to equip you to raise A and teach her his love. 

And I am promising you that she is worth it.

Thank you for loving A, even if you don’t know her yet. Thank you for allowing God to speak into and change your life. Thank you for being the mama that A needs. 

I am praying that one day very soon, we will meet and I can tell you thank you in person. It will be incredibly hard to watch A leave with you, but it is right and it is good. She needs you, her forever mama, and you need her, your forever daughter. 

God Bless,

Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site.  Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise.