Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress... James 1:27

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


15 for 15 for 15. The theme for this year’s annual telethon. It is COTP’s fifteenth year. We exceeded a fundraising goal of $15000 in one day. We highlighted fifteen of our Haitian employees. But the number 15 is also very personal to us for another reason.

Fifteen is the number of kiddos with special needs who are here waiting for their forever families. Most of these kids have faced abandonment by their birth families. They have watched other kids go home with their adoptive families. They have heard us pray for families to find them. But still they wait. All fifteen of them.

From our human perspective, fifteen is a huge number. We realize that kids with special needs are harder to find families for. We realize that their needs can be intimidating. We realize that special needs adoption is a huge commitment. We realize that the older they get, the smaller their odds of being matched with a family. And these facts discourage us. Can we ever find fifteen families to love fifteen kiddos?

And yet, we believe in a big God. A God who is not at all intimidated by the number fifteen. These fifteen are his babies, designed by him, to bring him glory. We believe that he can speak to the hearts of fifteen families. We believe that a forever family is God’s design for the lives of our fifteen special kids that we love so much. 

We believe that fifteen is nowhere near too big of a challenge for our God, and we are begging him to lift up fifteen amazing families who are willing to overcome the challenges and intimidation. Fifteen families who are willing to step out in faith and commit to our fifteen kiddos.  

Will you pray with us for these fifteen kids and their families? That God would completely overwhelm us with his goodness as he brings them together. That the waiting for these fifteen little lives would soon be over. That fifteen waiting kids will no longer bring discouragement to our human hearts. That instead fifteen kids can be matched with adoptive families and become a testament to the goodness of God and his ability to place the orphaned and abandoned in families.

15 years.
15 thousand dollars.
15 highlighted employees.

15 kids with special needs waiting for 15 adoptive families.

Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site.  Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise.